Signs and Gestures
Using signs and gestures makes words concrete! Pairing gross motor movements with speech also helps with word recall and awakens more synapses in the brain! Saying ant was easier when paired with a physical sign. I see this over and over with littles. Motor movements can be a game changer!
Something to Talk About!
Kids aren’t always interested in what we want to talk about. The easiest way to get kids talking is to join in the their conversations and interests. Following the child’s lead guarantees that you will never run out of things to talk about! And this is a good thing! This little one loves rocks, and he was motivated enough to create a novel 2-word phrase talking about something that matters to him.
Easy Plus One
The easy plus one strategy is an easy way to say we acknowledge the words your child uses and model one tiny add on word within their reach. This little guy uses mostly single words, so adding just one simple word gives him a model for expansion without overwhelm. Simple input to expand output.